KOMPRED - COMMERCIAL OFFER from the MANUFACTURER. We produce metal structures of any complexity: modular buildings, change houses, security posts, smoking cabins, temporary road barriers, building fences, warehouse equipment, scaffolding, scaffolding, landscape gardening products, containers for separate waste collection, metal furniture for the garden, houses, commercial furniture .
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Sport equipment

Training is much more effective if you use a variety of equipment and equipment. Sports equipment provides the necessary strength and cardio workout. It simplifies and streamlines a number of exercises.

Полка подвесная разборная для фитболов с двумя отсеками 3000х600 мм черная Kompred OL746 Полка подвесная разборная для фитболов с двумя отсеками 3000х600 мм черная Kompred OL746
код: OL746
2 011 грн
Стойка для бодибаров на шесть секций 450х350х1200 мм черная OL787 Стойка для бодибаров на шесть секций  450х350х1200 мм черная  OL787
код: OL787
2 903 грн
Стойка для бодибаров на четыре секции 320х300х1200 мм серая OL787/1 Стойка для бодибаров на четыре секции 320х300х1200 мм  серая OL787/1
код: OL787/1
2 776 грн
Трибуна для зрителей на 8 мест разборная Kompred OL785 Трибуна для зрителей на 8 мест разборная  Kompred  OL785
код: OL785
29 666 грн
Стойка-подставка для 10 шт грифов 840х630х230 мм черная Kompred OL773 Стойка-подставка для 10 шт грифов 840х630х230 мм  черная Kompred OL773
код: OL773
2 539 грн
Полка для фитболов настенная подвесная разборная 1500х600 мм черная Kompred OL747 Полка для фитболов настенная подвесная разборная 1500х600 мм черная Kompred OL747
код: OL747
1 556 грн
Стойка для хранения самокатов/скейтов вертикальная для 10 самокатов 5 уровней черная Kompred OL760 Стойка  для хранения самокатов/скейтов вертикальная для 10 самокатов 5 уровней  черная Kompred OL760
код: OL760
3 185 грн
Стеллаж для хранения 12 фитболов, полка для фитнес мячей OL718 Стеллаж для  хранения 12 фитболов,  полка для фитнес мячей OL718
код: OL718
4 232 грн
Вело парковка для двух байков голубая Вело парковка для двух байков голубая
код: OL641/1
2 211 грн
Стеллаж для хранения спортивного инвентаря Kompred OL656/1 Стеллаж для хранения  спортивного инвентаря  Kompred OL656/1
код: OL656/1
15 916 грн
Metal rack for storage of sports equipment Kompred OL648 Metal rack for storage of sports equipment Kompred OL648
код: OL648
18 961 грн
Стойка для бодибаров секционная серая Kompred OL649 Стойка для бодибаров секционная  серая  Kompred OL649
код: OL649
2 402 грн
Metal rack for storage of sports equipment Kompred OL656 Metal rack for storage of sports equipment Kompred OL656
код: OL656
29 912 грн
Стойка-подставка для фитнес гантелей серая Kompred OL650 Стойка-подставка для фитнес гантелей серая Kompred OL650
код: OL650
7 002 грн
Single Bike Rack Kompred Single Bike Rack Kompred
код: OL641
2 211 грн
Rack for bodybars metal white Kompred OL159/1 Rack for bodybars metal white Kompred OL159/1
код: OL159/1
2 102 грн
Bicycle box for storage of one bike Kompred OL334/1 Bicycle box for storage of one bike Kompred OL334/1
код: OL334/1
12 067 грн
Bicycle box for storage of one bike Kompred OL334/1 Bicycle box for storage of one bike Kompred OL334/1
код: OL334/2
11 371 грн
Bicycle parking vertical Duga Bicycle parking vertical Duga
код: OL614
4 768 грн
Rack for bodybars sectional Rack for bodybars sectional
код: OL387
2 693 грн
Bicycle parking with different levels of installation of bikes Bicycle parking with different levels of installation of bikes
код: OL613
6 306 грн
Small bicycle parking Small bicycle parking
код: OL612
3 385 грн
Metal rack for sports equipment Metal rack for sports equipment
код: OL603
18 646 грн
Basketball storage rack Basketball storage rack
код: OL463
2 102 грн

Large selection of sports equipment

Products for household and professional use are produced. In home gyms, more compact and lighter structures are installed. Professional models, as a rule, are oversized, but convenient and functional.

The sports equipment catalog includes products that differ in several ways:

  • Appointment. Manufacturers offer to buy sports equipment that increases strength or cardio load. The following structures allow working with their own weight: horizontal bars, bars, handles, wall bars. A separate category is assistive devices. These are racks, stands for storing weights, dumbbells, pancakes, body bars, barbells. They help to maintain order, simplify the search for the desired projectile, prevent equipment friction, and prevent injuries.
  • Operating conditions. You can buy equipment for the gym and outdoor area. The first option is more compact, ergonomic and mobile. Outdoor appliances are usually stationary. They can be a complete sports complex. Withstand any atmospheric influences.
  • Age. Adults and children's devices differ in size and level of complexity.
  • Materials. Used metal, wood, plastic. It is popular to combine materials. The iron frame is complemented by wood or plastic inserts for added convenience.
  • Floor. Unisex sports equipment is usually sold. However, some designs take into account the characteristics of the female and male physique.

Sport equipment

The price depends on the configuration, functionality. Devices can be equipped with height adjusters, wheels. Silicone caps are often used to prevent the feet from damaging the floor.

Individual production from the Kompred company

Products for indoor and outdoor sports are produced by Zaporozhenergozapchast. Finished goods are sold through the official online store "Kompred" at an attractive price. We do not have any mark-ups from the markets. The catalogs contain a large assortment of horizontal bars, bars, stands, workout complexes. Delivery is made in Ukraine to all cities.